The recording of the spiritual retreat conducted on WhatsApp on 6 December 2020.

The recording of the spiritual retreat conducted on WhatsApp on 6 December 2020.
Talk on the Bhagavad Gita given by Swami Narasimhananda of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Bhagavad Gita Bhagavad Gita Discourse Bhagavad Gita exposition. Bhagavad Gita analysis. Bhagavad Gita interpretation. Bhagavad Gita has been explained in the modern context. Bhagavad Gita is a manual for handling life’s problems. Bhagavad Gita is considered one of the most popular texts across the world. Bhagavad Gita has been explained and expounded by many. Bhagavad Gita was told by Sri Krishna to Arjuna. Bhagavad Gita comes in the Mahabharata. Bhagavad Gita touches many aspects of our lives.
Talk on Katha Upanishad Death with a difference given by Swami Narasimhananda of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission at IIT Kharagpur. Katha Upanishad Nachiketa comes to Yama Lord of Death God of death and asks questions about what happens to the soul after death. Katha Upanishad solves this puzzle of the soul remaining after death. Katha Upanishad narrates the story of Nachiketa’s father performing sacrifices. Nachiketa’s Shraddha or faith makes him point out to his father in Katha Upanishad that the gifts given were worthless. Father is annoyed and Katha Upanishad shows that Nachiketa went to Yama to keep his father’s word. Katha Upanishad talks about death and how to overcome it. Katha Upanishad talks about life and death and also finding a way out of it.
Talk on the text Vivekachudamani, the Gem of Wisdom, written by Adi Shankaracharya, by Swami Narasimhananda, the editor of Prabuddha Bharata, at Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, District Champawat, Uttarakhand, India, a branch centre of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.
The recording of the spiritual retreat conducted on WhatsApp on 4 October 2020.
Talks on Sadhana Panchakam, a set of five verses by Shankaracharya that discuss forty steps of spiritual life that would lead to the knowledge of Self, Atman, or Brahman. These verses are being explained by Swami Narasimhananda, the editor of Prabuddha Bharata, at Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, District Champawat, Uttarakhand, India, a branch centre of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.
Brahma Sutras, Vedanta Sutras, or Shariraka Sutras are a collection of 555 sutras arranged into four chapters that form part of the Nyaya Prasthana part of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, to be studied, traditionally, after having studying the Bhagavadgita, Smriti Prasthana, and the Upanishads, Shruti Prasthanas. The sutras, aphorisms of the Brahma Sutras analyse different Upanishadic statement to understand their true import. The aim of the Brahma Sutras is to remove the ignorance that clouds one’s true nature and realise the ultimate reality, Brahman. The Brahma Sutras have been authored by Badarayana Vyasa, traditionally considered to be the same person who classified the Vedas, wrote the Puranas, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavata. In this series of lectures, Swami Narasimhananda, explains the Adhyasa Bhashya, Adi Shankaracharya’s introduction to his commentary on it with emphasis on their relevance in the present-day.
Brahma Sutras, Vedanta Sutras, or Shariraka Sutras are a collection of 555 sutras arranged into four chapters that form part of the Nyaya Prasthana part of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, to be studied, traditionally, after having studying the Bhagavadgita, Smriti Prasthana, and the Upanishads, Shruti Prasthanas. The sutras, aphorisms of the Brahma Sutras analyse different Upanishadic statement to understand their true import. The aim of the Brahma Sutras is to remove the ignorance that clouds one’s true nature and realise the ultimate reality, Brahman. The Brahma Sutras have been authored by Badarayana Vyasa, traditionally considered to be the same person who classified the Vedas, wrote the Puranas, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavata. In this series of lectures, Swami Narasimhananda, explains the Adhyasa Bhashya, Adi Shankaracharya’s introduction to his commentary on it with emphasis on their relevance in the present-day.
Talk on Introduction to Vedanta based on the text Tattvabodha or Tattwabodha, a primer on Advaita Vedanta. This talk was given by Swami Narasimhananda of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, presently residing in Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. The basic tenets of Advaita Vedanta have been discussed here. It is a must for beginners to the study of Vedanta.